Greetings from Cameroon! I arrived here safely a week ago (March 13). I’ve been busy getting set up and adjusted. Tomorrow (March 21), I hope to head out for the village.
Things are calm here in Cameroon. Thanks for your prayers. The unrest which I had heard about was serious, but it only lasted a week. It seems like everything is back to normal here, thank God.

I had 10 days in Europe on the way over. I spent a week in Leiden, Netherlands, and worked on my research plan with my supervisor, Dr. Maarten Mous. My dissertation is now planned out, chapter by chapter, and the time-table is set for when things should be done. This is a big step forward, and I feel really relieved. If all goes well, in three years I’ll have the thesis written. The two languages which I’m working with—Kwasio and Bagyeli—will be documented and described. This is important not only for my doctoral research, but for the translation project as well.

I was able to visit some friends in Switzerland for two nights, and to spend a couple of nights in Paris. I was in Paris on a Sunday, so I was able to worship at the Notre Dame Cathedral. That was an uplift that I really needed. It seems that I have worries and concerns on three continents, and so I need to look to the Lord more than ever.

Please pray for Daniel Sitamon. He is the son of my co-worker among the Bayaka Pygmies, Jerome Sitamon. He has been having some discouraging problems at school.
Keeping in touch: now you can call me anytime on my Cameroonian cell phone: 011-237-7793-6200
Check out the new blogsite:
Thanks so much for your prayers. Let’s keep in touch! In Christ, --Dan